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Skeleton Island, curse of the Golden Skull



SKELETON ISLAND - Was a pirate secret location, known only to a small number of captains by that name. But as piracy became unfashionable with mass hangings, the numbers of those in the know, dwindled. Until, all that remained was a location carved in wood. Generally hidden somewhere safe by the pirate concerned. This location was useless without a chart giving the exact position that each pirate buried their stash. The maps made on parchment, were handed down to the next generations, by way of inheritance free of taxes.






In the year 1502, Christopher Columbus discovered the Chagres River, during his final, fourth voyage. Twenty-five years later, in the year 1527, the Chagres River was explored by Hernando de la Serna, a Spanish conquistador, who founded the town of Chagres at the river's mouth and eventually oversaw construction of the original fortress of San Lorenzo under instruction of King Philip II. Today, the Chagres River is the Panama Canal's chief source of water.


The conquest of the Incan Empire was one of the decisive campaigns in the Spanish colonization of the Americas. After years of preliminary skirmishes, 168 soldiers under conquistador Francisco Pizarro, captured the Sapa Inca Atahualpa at the Battle of Cajamarca in 1532, heralding the Conquest of Peru.


By 1534, the Spanish Monarchy had established a rainy-season gold route over the isthmus of Panama - Camino Real de Cruces - using mule trains and the Chagres River. From there, Spanish treasure galleons shipped the gold to Spain. Attracted to the treasure ships, pirates began attacking Panama's coast around 1560. 


To protect the Atlantic terminus of Las Cruces Trail (Camino Real de Cruces), Spain built Fort San Lorenzo at the Chagres River's mouth. From 1587 to 1599, the fortifications evolved into a sea-level battery, completed in 1601. The plans of the massive fortress were made by the Italian engineer Baptist Antonelli. The Castle of San Lorenzo was built on top of a high reef, in a position that dominated the entrance of the Chagres River.







PANAMA NORTH COAST - The remains of the mighty Fort San Lorenzo stand surrounded by the sparkling Caribbean Sea and over 30,000 acres of protected rainforest in the jungles of the Panama Canal watershed. Built to protect the entrance and exit of the main route to the Americas, the construction of the fort was ordered by Spanish King Felipe II in 1598, with limited effectiveness. In fact, between the years of 1596-1740, the fort was under almost constant attack by now-famous pirates such as Sir Francis Drake, Sir Henry Morgan and the English Admiral Edward Vernon.

Recognized today as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the massive fortress was made by the Italian engineer Juan Bautista Antonelli, and is considered an extraordinary example of 17th and 18th century military architecture. When you visit, take some time to wander around the majestic ruins, and imagine what life might have been like over 400 years ago when pirates and enemy ships had their eyes on San Lorenzo. You’ll get to walk through the same dark, musty hallways of the colonial era, and view the heavy cannons nestled behind the walls. Take in the stunning views of the Chagres River, and on out to the Caribbean Sea. The historical area is not only great for exploration and introspection, but it’s also an excellent place for birdwatching.





In 1671, Henry Morgan launched a surprise attack on the Fort at San Lorenzo. During this foray, five of his ships, including the Satisfaction, struck the Lajas Reef so hard, that their hulls were splintered, and they were immediately sunk. Even so the attack continued bolder than before, with Henry's other ships making way through the reef, and the Spanish fort was taken, as part of, and leading to the sacking of Panama as his real target. His greatest triumph, for which he nearly hung at the gallows in London.


Three hundred and forty years later, give or take, and archaeologists using magnetic sensors, recorded deviations in the earth's magnetic field to suggest heavy metal objects lay on the seabed some two hundred meters offshore, and in relatively shallow water. Not long after this discovery, better equipped teams from, Texas University, dived the area and located some six cannons, consistent with those used by Captain Morgan. So, proving the historical writing of the events of 1671 to be an accurate account.


The navies of those countries bordering the Caribbean took only a passing interest from 2008 to 2012, mainly because the find was in Panamanian territorial waters; unmistakably part of their culture. Nevertheless, a watching brief was put in place by Colombia, Mexico, and Nicaragua - to the effect that sunken ships had been found - and that there were probably more ships, carrying Spanish silver and gold cargoes. But, in any event to keep a weather eye out for obvious treasure hunters, out to loot sites of heritage value, so as to prevent the loss of national assets of heritage value.







DAMEN STAN PATROL SHIPS - Nicaraguan patrol vessels based on the Damen Stan 4207 design seen above. The vessels were commissioned as Soberanía I (409) and Soberanía II (411), primarily for coastguard duties, including drug smuggling prevention. Unlike many other nations vessels, which are designed solely for coast guard or environmental monitoring, the Nicaraguan ships have added a military sensor suite and a deck gun. Militarizing the vessels boosted their cost from $20 million USD to $65 million USD.





John Storm and all the crew of the Hispaniola, were familiar with such tales, though real sure enough, but still within the realms of distanced piratical myths somehow. Detaching those events of legend from modern day living as something of wonder. This coming to the fore as the Elizabeth Swann's radar picked up a Nicaraguan patrol ship, and her high powered cameras picked up a deck gun, as the sleek zero emission vessel closed in on Santa Catalina, the first island of the Colombian Archipelago, including Providence Island and San Andreas, though the latter much further south, than the other two.


The CyberCore Genetica, super nano-computer, was securely locked in the Swann's Cyber-Vault, meaning Hal could interface, then relay information to John's incredible BioCore brain implant. John was in direct contact with Hal, without voice communication. Though, for appearances, John generally spoke normally, for Dan and Cleopatra.


"Hal, better monitor their comms."


"We've already been spotted John. They are just watching to see what we do next. Our position has been passed to 'Armada de Mexico' and the Panamanian National Aeronaval Service."


"Hmmm. They didn't hang about. Yes, unsurprising though, since this is not a Blue Shield sortie, and the Swann sticks out like a sore thumb. And - oh yes - we've just come from Jamaica, via Haiti. Sort of a red rag to a bull."


"We should be safe in international waters, John."


"True, but I wouldn't bank on it. They have a massive drug problem down here, and we are not exactly inconspicuous. They might think we're here to pick up a shipment." John laughed, he did not even smoke or drink alcohol, and was violently opposed to drug dealers. The irony of it. "Thanks Hal, keep on it."


Lord Huntington's Hispaniola was at least a day and a half behind the Swann, even at full throttle of the converted survey vessel's diesel auxiliary drives. John sometimes forgot just how fast the solar and hydrogen ship could be. He thought to warn Captain Tremaine.


"Swann to Hispaniola. Swann to Hispaniola, come in Hispaniola. Over."


"Hispaniola to Elizabeth Swann, Captain Tremaine here. Hello Captain Storm. Over."


"Hello Scott. We got a warm welcome here. Three navies know we're heading south west, toward Santa Cantalina. Be warned. We expect to be boarded and searched for contraband. Over."


"You mean drugs don't you John. Over."


"That I do. Offensive, but we'll take it on the chin. We're going to head to Muelle de Barcos, on Providencia. We can moor at the boat dock, and shop for fresh supplies. We're going to tell it straight, we're here to soak up history relating to Henry Morgan. Seriously, I can't wait to see Morgan's Point. Suggest you have similar explanation ready, since your vessel is far more 'smuggler' than ours. Technically, we're sight seers for now. No shovels. Over."


In the helm cabin, Lord Huntington grabbed the mike from Tremaine. "Hello John. Huntington here. Roger that. Rendezvous at Providence boat dock." Then effecting a Spanish accent, "Muelle de Barcos. Not a shovel in sight. Over and out."


The islands suffered considerable damage due to Hurricane Iota in November 2020. Most of the infrastructure was wiped out, and never fully recovered. John was hoping that the clues he and Huntington were expecting to find, were still discernible.






The Columbian Archipelago that includes San Andreas, Santa Catalina and Providence Islands, is swarming with naval ships. Columbian, Mexican, Panamanian and Nicaraguan navies routinely patrolling close by, triggered by the discovery of Henry Morgan's ship 'Satisfaction' at Lajas Reef between 2008-10, the military of these countries have been alive to the possibility of a claim on the Aztec gold, looted by the Spanish Conquistadors. Then re-acquired by the Welsh privateer momentarily in 1671, to be lost again.




HURRICANE IOTA NOVEMBER 2020 - Providencia (boat dock) and Santa Catalina were ravaged by extreme weather when heading into 2021.

The small Colombian island of Providencia was hit hard by the powerful Category-5 hurricane Iota, which caused severe damage to the majority of local’s homes and the already scant public infrastructure.

At that time, Colombia’s President, Ivan Duque, said it is the first Category 5 – the most serious of hurricanes – to hit the Andean nation in its history.

Providencia island had a population of 5,000 people and is part of the Archipelago of San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina located in the Caribbean Sea about 775km (481 miles) northwest of mainland Colombia. Geographically, it is closer to the central American country of Nicaragua.


The hurricane was first considered a Category 2 but just before passing Providencia it developed into a Category-5 tropical cyclone which NASA said can have wind speeds of up to 253km/h (157mph) and has the ability to cause catastrophic damage.

Neighbouring larger island San Andres also faced damage to its infrastructure, albeit less intense. Northern Colombian coastal cities, like Cartagena, have flooded and are battling high winds.

According to the United States Office of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2020 has had the highest hurricane activity in the Atlantic since official records began in 1851.






PROLOGUE: ROYAL AFRICAN COMPANY - King Charles II, grants a Royal Charter to his brother James Stuart II, giving him and other partners, the exclusive right to transport goods from Africa, updated in 1663 to include the exclusive right to trade in slaves from the Gold Coast, in supply to British colonies, as cheap labour for plantations in the Caribbean, Virginia and Carolina - the so-called Bloody Triangle.




SCENE 1. THE BATTLE OF OCRACOKE - North Carolina Historic flashback - 1718, 22nd November, a British naval taskforce led by Lieutenant Robert Maynard lay in wait for Edward Teach (Blackbeard), beheading the troublesome pirate after a long and bloody swordfight, including severval gunshots wounds by way of a torturous interrogation. As Blackbeard expires on the deck of the Adventure, he curses the English sailors and their kin, taking the secret of his treasure with him to the Devil.


SCENE 2. EARTHQUAKE JAMAICA - Present Day - An earthquake hits Port Royal, disturbing the sunken city. Underwater scenes of chaotic movement ripples, what is left of buildings rocking. A Palisadoes cemetery opening an entrance to Henry Morgan's mausoleum.


SCENE 3. BLUE SHIELD ENGLAND - England - Blue Shield, Newcastle University. John Storm is called to Jamaica urgently, requested by UNESCO, to catalogue the archaeological remains of the underwater city, using the Elizabeth Swann's ultra modern array of subsea survey sensors, worried that another quake threatens to wipe out all records. They plan to make the submerged city a UNEP World Heritage Site.


SCENE 4. HENRY MORGAN'S DEATH - Historic flashback - Henry Morgan musing taking of a prize ship as a pirate off coast of Venezuela and Panama, while he is working his sugar cane plantation in drunken condition, he has a heart attack. Cut to his funeral ceremony at Palisadoes cemetery, old Port Royal.


SCENE 5. SUNKEN CITY SURVEY - Caribbean Sea Present Day - The Swann's sensors scan the ocean bed, revealing what turns out to be the mausoleum and tomb containing remains of the former Governor of Jamaica. It is under threat of imminent and dangerous collapse.


SCENE 6. JUNE 1692 TSUNAMI - Jamaica Historic flashback - June 7th, an earthquake hits Port Royal, then a tsunami washes the pirate haven under the sea, covering Henry Morgan's mausoleum. Washing clean the sins of the wicked city.


SCENE 7. HENRY MORGAN'S COFFIN - Jamaica Present Day - John Storm investigates target underwater areas using an ROV, then dives the site, coming face to face with Sir Henry's macabre skeletal remains. Then discovering secret compartment in his coffin, and interesting wooden engraving.




SCENE 8. BBC JILL BIRD - London. "The intrepid conservationist, Mr John Storm .." News of the archaeological find and condition of lost Henry Morgan, pirate's remains - saved. "And for those of you wondering, there was no treasure."

SCENE 9. OPERATION HISPANIOLA - Lord Huntington acquires funding from the British Geographical Society, with Royal Navy interest in the background, for an expedition to recover relics in the Caribbean, a shipwreck rich in archaeologically important artifacts. Though his secret agenda is to piggy back John's operation in the search for Blackbeard's mythical hoard and the supposedly cursed Golden Skull. Huntington purchases an old Antarctic survey ship, renaming it 'Hispaniola'.


SCENE 10. SHIP'S COOK - William Gray helps John Long and his band of cut-throats to crew for Huntington's Hispaniola, on the basis of purloined data from a UNESCO report on a description of Henry Morgan's wooden engraving. John Long poses as a cartographer, but proves to be a dab hand on the galley. He is elected ship's cook.


SCENE 11. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOS - Huntington contacts John Storm, asking for help with the supposed shipwreck survey - meet in the Caribbean. Asking for ES assistance as portable lab, appealing to Storm's general interest in such matters. At this stage John has no idea about the parchment Huntington has been keeping a secret, thinking he is cosher, as a BGS bigwig.


SCENE 12. SKELETON ISLAND - Intrigued as to the map now proffered by Lord Huntington, John agrees to switch attention to the new location, even though not that far off the cost of Panama. The map, though not the original parchment recovered from Blackbeard's Adventure, is sufficiently alluring after checking historical accuracy, as to be believable. John keeps the information recovered from Morgan's casket to himself, genuinely unsure if it relates to the mysterious map - and just in case there are any heritage assets to safeguard, though both men probe each other for more clues continuously. Commander Maynard has bugged the Hispaniola, so knows of their intended location.


SCENE 13. SANTA CATALINA - The Columbian Archipelago including San Andreas, Santa Catalina and Providence Islands, is swarming with naval ships. Columbian, Mexican, Panamanian and Nicaraguan navies routinely patrolling close by, triggered by the discovery of Henry Morgan's ship 'Satisfaction' at Lajas Reef between 2008-10, the military of these countries have been alive to the possibility of a claim on the Aztec gold, looted by the Spanish Conquistadors. Then re-acquired by the Welsh privateer momentarily in 1671, to be lost again in time again.


SCENE 14. ...




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SCENE 21. ...



John Storm and Elizabeth Swann get to Treasure (Skeleton) Island






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